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Shipping Signs

Hand Lettering topics: Sign Making, Design, Fabrication, Letterheads, Sign Books.

Moderators: Ron Percell, Mike Jackson, Danny Baronian

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Site Man
Posts: 573
Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:03 am
Location: Marlborough, MA

Shipping Signs

Post by Site Man »


Posted by D.Bernhardt on February 19, 2003
Hi again folks, I have a client in North Carolina...er rather about to be a customer and need to get an approx. 5x8 carved sign to him.....any experiences good or bad are welcome. Also what about brokers and duty? Cheers for now...Doug
Danny Baronian
Hey Doug, you can ship that puppy to my shop any day! Oh well, I tried.

Check out Viking Freight, don't know if they go up into Canada, but they ship nation wide down here. I've used them and find them reasonable and reliable.

If they don't pick up there ask them who does. You may also want to check with Nancy or Noella, they'd have a good recommendation.

Kent Smith

have had great luck with FedEx Ground as they do not have the size restrictions that UPS does. Largest I have tried however is 4'x5'. They have handled all the duty paperwork etc. for shipments into Canada and Europe. There are certainly costs involved but their people are knowledgable on all fronts. If they won't take one as large as you need to investigate trucking companies. How about one that has brought freight to you?
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