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Super Glue on Cuts?

Hand Lettering topics: Sign Making, Design, Fabrication, Letterheads, Sign Books.

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Site Man
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Location: Marlborough, MA

Super Glue on Cuts?

Post by Site Man »


Posted by Mike Jackson on December 19, 2002
Occasionally I get one of those little cuts on the inside joint of my thumb, or even on the end of a finger that never really wants to heal. Sometimes they get bigger, opening wider, and hurting...right? Around Thanksgiving, I had a particularly bad one on my thumb and I was complaining about it hurting. We were at a friend's house for dinner and he told me to Super-Glue it. (He's a contractor--always getting the little cuts) He got out his tube of glue and dropped a little on the cut. Within a day or so, it was much better and healed completely.

I've never heard of this practice, but it does seem to work. Has anyone else tried it? or ever heard of it? I was in one of the Dollar Stores not long ago and bought about a dozen of the little tubes for $1, so even if they dry out quickly, I should have a fresh tube waiting.

Mike Jackson

Mike ,
It was used in Viet Nam on massive wounds till they could Evac the guys out.
The "Super Glue" that's used to close wounds today, is surgical grade and "STERILE" it's not your run-of-the-mill super glue from the 99c store.
Bob (Pharmacy Tech/Sign Painter)
Mike Jackson
Hi Bob,
It stands to reason there would be a sterile version of the product if used for large wounds. I was also skeptical about using the stuff, thinking of all the aggressive chemicals that must be in it, but after seeing that annoying cut getting bigger, I was ready to try it. For us in the sign business, we are always getting small cuts from x-acto knives and paper cuts, so this little tip might come in handy.

Happy Holidays,
Mike Jackson
Yep, read of the practice in National Geographic years ago. A journalist was doing on article on sushi chefs and asked what they did when they cut themselves, and that's what they use. The article also stated that super glue works so well, doctors advise EMT's to carry it in their vehicles, and are frequently advised to use it to stop bleeding.

I was a little leary. Will it sting? 3 days after reading the article I had a deep cut. Cleaned it out, squirted a little glue in there and continued working. Three days later it was healed.

Been using it for years, works great! As always, the biggest concern is not sticking your fingers together!

Since I use super glue for other projects, indoors and out , I keep a container of Un-glue. It's a solvent for the super glue that will unstick fingers and projects.

Rick Sacks
Danny, where do you get the un-glue? What is is called?
Should have checked the name on the bottle before I placed my last post! The product is called Un-cure, a debonder made by Bob Smith Industires in Atascdero, CA.

I purchased it in Berkely, CA from MacBeath Hardwoods, but check if they're listed on the web. They also make Maxi Cure, an extra thick cyanoacrylate that works very well.

Most hobby shops carry the same brand / product.

I have used both on projects and my hands, and have worked very well. Neither sting on application.

Jerry Martin
Fingernail polish remover also will remove and loosen up superglue. Also called Acetone.
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