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Tornado - Moore, OK

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Mark Summers
Posts: 177
Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:03 pm
Location: Frisco, Co

Tornado - Moore, OK

Post by Mark Summers »

Guess this one is for Mike Jackson. Wasn't this your old stomping grounds?
Mile wide tornado. Oklahoma is getting slapped pretty hard.
tornado-moore-575.jpg (21.86 KiB) Viewed 14528 times
Mike Jackson
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Re: Tornado - Moore, OK

Post by Mike Jackson »

I was glued to my TV for about an hour today. From all I can gather, the path went a few blocks south of the area that would have affected my Mom's house. It might have done some damage at my old shop, but I won't know that for a long time. I have another post in this forum on the topic, and will post updates there, but thanks for the note and photo.

I had called my Mom once there were alerts on CNN. She was sitting on the front porch and watching the skies and was ready to make the run to the concrete storm shelter my parents built long ago. So, I am sure she is okay and I assume the house is fine, too. No news from her yet, however.

Mike Jackson
Mike Jackson / co-administrator
Golden Era Studios
Vintage Ornamental Clip art
Jackson Hole, WY

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