Welcome to The Hand Lettering Forum!
This is an interactive Bulletin Board on the topics of Sign making, design, fabrication, History, old Books and of coarse Letterheads, Keepers of the craft. The Hand Lettering Forum features links to resources, sign art history, techniques, and artists profiles. Learn more about Letterheads at https://theletterheads.com. Below you'll see Mchat has been added as a live communication portal for trial, and the Main forum Links are listed below.

Posting Photos on this 2017 Forum...

Posted Images from various artists

Moderators: Ron Percell, Mike Jackson, Danny Baronian

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vance galliher
Posts: 321
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 11:38 pm
Location: springfield, or.

Posting Photos on this 2017 Forum...

Post by vance galliher »

I'm not sure why I have such a problem trying to post a photo.
I resample the photo in corel photo-paint to 720 pixels, export to my desktop, click "attachment", then "add file", select file on my desktop, click "open"...loading green bar indicator slides to right , then triangle w/exclamation shows up (?)...no photo
what am I doing wrong ?
dimensional and glass art signs
Mike Jackson
Site Admin
Posts: 1705
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 11:02 pm
Location: Jackson Hole, WY

Re: posting photos...

Post by Mike Jackson »

Full sized photos from a digital camera or iPhone are way too large for the web and must be resized. The phpBB software does not automatically resize them like Facebook.

In the earlier version of this Forum, we had the maximum file size limited to 750 pixels. I increased it recently to closer to 2000 pixels.

weber750.JPG (57.93 KiB) Viewed 19823 times

Most computers have a photo editing program like Photoshop, Elements, PixelPaint, CorelPaint.

Open a full sized photo in one of the programs, save that version as a new file with a name of your choice, then resize it to 1000 x 1000 or so and save that one.

weber750b.jpg (31.5 KiB) Viewed 19823 times

Lastly, you will need to hit the Place Inline button to put your photo into the reply box. The software will put the image in the spot where you had the cursor.

Note: Since I modified the image limits, I deleted a few comments that referenced the old 750 pixel limit.
Mike Jackson / co-administrator
Golden Era Studios
Vintage Ornamental Clip art
Jackson Hole, WY

Photography site:
Teton Images
Jackson Hole photography blog:
Best of the Tetons
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