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Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Posted Images from various artists

Moderators: Ron Percell, Mike Jackson, Danny Baronian

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Terry Colley
Posts: 60
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Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Terry Colley »

The basic idea here is to post the location of the best signs and art found in ordinary locations such as pubs and shopfronts etc from times gone by . No rules as such but it should be still in existance , please give full address and a short discription and a picture. (Admin Note: Images in this thread should probably be open to any sign anyone thinks is a masterpiece and not limited to pubs nor limited to signs found only in non-US countries. If you link to other images found on the Internet, please include the URL to the site from which it is linked. MJ)

Here are a couple to start it off:

The Philharmonic Dining Rooms Hope Street Liverpool England
Probably one of the most ornate pubs in England Carving ,gilding, cut glass, I suggest you take the time to have lunch here
Phil.JPG (130.79 KiB) Viewed 106492 times
No 2 Brooks & Co 136 Baggott Street Dublin Ireland

Nice carved fascia and glass panel, My mother grew up in this neighbourhood and remembers the shop from the 1930's. Dublin will feature further on in this list
Brooks&co.JPG (121.21 KiB) Viewed 106514 times
Last edited by Terry Colley on Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
Terry Colley
Stockport, England
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

a couple of shots from inside the philharmonic
e-Phil wall01.jpg
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Paris side streets.
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Gare De Lyon is a major train station in downtown Paris
e-gare de lyon restaurant1.jpg
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and Hermes department store also in Paris
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Last edited by Doug Bernhardt on Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

The Tottenam Pub in London
e-tottenham glass1.jpg
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Last edited by Doug Bernhardt on Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

The Vines Pub also in Liverpool. Two sides of the same fireplace.
e-Vines fp4.jpg
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erik winkler
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by erik winkler »

I have updated the map again.
Doug could you check if the adresses of some of the pubs in London is correct?
I tried to find the Mooneys but could not find the adress.
http://maps.google.nl/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&h ... a3&t=h&z=7

Where are the masterpieces of North America to be seen?
Shall I put the sign museum up as an location?

Realizing we are in the 2nd renaissance of the arts.
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Amsterdam Netherlands
Terry Colley
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Terry Colley »

The Forresters Arms. Ashton Old Road .Manchester
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This little gem is in a run down part of town, most of the shops and houses around it have been demolished so I think this must have a preservation order on it. Whist there are a few ceramic tiled pubs around most do not have the original lettering mainly due to changes in brewery ownership and name changes. a few years ago they took a pub like this down tile by tile and reconstructed it a Manchester airport (terminal 1 departures) No art and craft inside!
Terry Colley
Stockport, England
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Rondo Beach Brewing in Los Angeles
e-Pale Ale1.jpg
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

the kings head in London
e-kings head interior1.jpg
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and the Princess Louise also in London. Probably the finest English glass work still existing[/attachment]
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and lastly (for now) another marvelous example of a tiled exterior at Peveril of the Peak in Manchester
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Found this signature and sign while in Brighton a few weeks ago. I'd always wanted to know what shop would have carried out this as well as a couple other survivors in London from about 1895
e-tom bovey sign1.2.jpg
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and with a little research it would be possible. I love the address of King's +
e-tom bovey signature1.jpg
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

a few more glass pieces from this summers sojourn. All taken at the Mitre in Paddington London and quite close to the train station. Craven Terrace I believe was the actual street name
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another detail of same
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erik winkler
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by erik winkler »

Is that a little Doug I see in the punties of the last photo?
Photo's look very nice, thank you.

Realizing we are in the 2nd renaissance of the arts.
Learn, copy and trying to improve...
Still in the learning phase ;-)
Amsterdam Netherlands
Terry Colley
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Terry Colley »

This is a nice cast metal sign on Cross St Manchester, Painted black and gilded although the centre panel is clear plastic it would have originally been slumped glass probably embossed or cut. the whole sign is on a curve, will try and get colour shot of it soon
arthur.jpg (171.06 KiB) Viewed 104490 times
Terry Colley
Stockport, England
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

a few more...interesting treatment of shade on a dimensional sign in Scotland somewhere
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of course the michelin building in London with it's art deco front
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also from London and can't remember where other than in Isslington a survivor (or at least it was a 5yrs ago)
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and a detail of a terrific gold front
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Thought a few more were worth adding here. Seeing Dave Smith's addition about the Tottenham in London brought these to mind.

The second is at The Elgin in Ladbroke Grove London...which also is just around the corner from where Reginald Christie did his deeds if you're interested in true crime.

The first is at the Boleyn also in London. It is at the site where Anne Boleyn lost "er ed" after frustrating Henry the 8th's ambitions.
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Also from my most recent London Pub crawl, a survivor from what is at present called Inn 1888. Original Morris and Son
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a couple of details added for posterity
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from Bristol on the same trip at the Kings head
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and a detail
2e-bristol kings head1detail.jpg
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erik winkler
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Residentz in Würzburg north Bavaria Germany

Post by erik winkler »

A must see, one of the most beautifully decorated glass panels.
It is to be seen in a room named the 'Spiegelkabinett' wich is fully packed with glass panels, framed in gilded roccoco framing.
This room can be found in the Residentz palace of the north Bavarian city Würzburg.

Short history found on wikipedia: "As a result of a devastating air raid on March 16, 1945, the Residence was almost completely burnt out and only the central building with the Vestibule, Garden Hall, Staircase, White Hall and Imperial Hall survived the inferno, their roofs destroyed. From the attic the fire ate down through wooden ceilings and floors, and all the furnishings and wall paneling which had not been stored elsewhere were devoured by the flames. Much of the furnishing and large sections of the wall paneling of the period rooms had been removed in time and thus escaped destruction. Neumann's stone vaults withstood the collapse of the burning attic. However, because the roofs had gone, further damage was incurred in the ensuing period due to dampness. In the Court Chapel, for example, the most of the ceiling frescoes by Rudolph Byss succumbed to the subsequent consequences of the fire in spite of the intact vault and had to be laboriously reconstructed.
From 1945 to 1987 the building and its interiors were reconstructed to their current state. The rebuilding cost about €20m Euros".

The wall decoration of the Mirror Cabinet, completed between 1740 and 1745 and the most precious interior created in the Würzburg Residenz under Prince-Bishop Friedrich Carl von Schönborn, was completely destroyed in the bombing raids of 1945. Based on a preserved mirror fragment, numerous photographs and a watercolour by Georg Dehn (c. 1870/73), the entire room shell was however recreated between 1979 and 1987, using the old techniques. This reconstruction, together with the rescued furnishings, gives visitors an idea of the overwhelming effect originally produced by what was perhaps the most original example of interior decoration in the Würzburg rococo style.
spiegelkabinett.jpg (46.81 KiB) Viewed 102579 times
Detail of the painting on the wall of the Mirror Cabinet.
Mirror cabinets are found in numerous German baroque and rococo palaces. They are usually panelled rooms with inset mirrors, carvings and stucco-work, where porcelain was frequently displayed.
The walls of the Würzburg Mirror Cabinet, however, consisted entirely of glass panels, which were prepared on the back using a special technique: either paintings were produced on the partially recessed mirror ground, or drawings were engraved into a gold ground that was applied on the back of the mirror and then underlaid with dark gloss paint. By this means, instead of displaying Oriental porcelain figures in front of the mirrors as was customary, a rich array of exotic figures and scenes could be incorporated directly into the mirrors.

Here a link for the Residentz on Google maps: Residentz on Google maps
Realizing we are in the 2nd renaissance of the arts.
Learn, copy and trying to improve...
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Amsterdam Netherlands
Dan Seese
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Dan Seese »

Here are some pictures from one of my favorite stores in Florence, Italy.
Located on the Arno river beside the Ponte Vecchio, Papini Leather Goods had a great logo, finely gilded windows and a gilded leather ceiling.
The business was started in 1896 and the window gilding was done in 1929.
Here it is on Google Maps, where you can also get a street view of the storefront:
https://maps.google.com/maps?q=papini+l ... CAgQ_AUoAA
Gilded leather ceiling
Gilded leather ceiling
Papini - leather ceiling.jpg (171.89 KiB) Viewed 100787 times
Wood carving of Papini logo.
Wood carving of Papini logo.
Deer & faun.jpg (100.34 KiB) Viewed 100774 times
Papini transom
Papini transom
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Papini storefront
Papini storefront
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Close up of Papini lettering.
Close up of Papini lettering.
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Close up of Papini logo.
Close up of Papini logo.
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Gold leaf logo on front door
Gold leaf logo on front door
Papini1.jpg (166.21 KiB) Viewed 100760 times
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340 - 1400)

Amy Camlin
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Amy Camlin »

The Crown Bar in Belfast, near where I grew up, is stunning inside and out.
http://magdascauldron.com/wp-content/up ... ast-25.jpg

http://d5qsyj6vaeh11.cloudfront.net/ima ... f_main.jpg

And the Palace Theatre in Plymouth where I live now. This beautiful building was turned into a nightclub, and is now derelict. I would love to try to help save it.

http://www.dphotographer.co.uk/users/52 ... re%20A.jpg
Traditional Signwriter and Illustrator working in Plymouth, UK.
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Here are a few from the Viaduct pub in London. Have included a couple of detail photos as well to keep the wolves happy ;=)
viaduct bass detail6.jpg
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

I know this is an odd one to add to the "Masterpiece" collection but I think it is an incredible piece with probably an authentic representation. Naive but rich. Found it in a small village in Scotland.
scot 3kings sign.jpg
scot 3kings sign.jpg (115.37 KiB) Viewed 96016 times
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

This is Star and Garter in Soho, London England. You see a lot of these glass fronts with metal letters mounted behind. I thought I should get this one posted as you never know when it will simply disappear.
star and garter exterior sign detail1.jpg
star and garter exterior sign detail1.jpg (156.51 KiB) Viewed 96028 times
star and garter exterior1.jpg
star and garter exterior1.jpg (167.22 KiB) Viewed 96015 times
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Here are a couple photos from the Blue Last in London England. It's always hard to sort out fact from fiction but if I recall, this piece was rediscovered after WW2 when a wall that had been installed to protect it was pulled down....to everyone surprise including the owners.
blue last2.jpg
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Blue last1.jpg
Blue last1.jpg (298.75 KiB) Viewed 95965 times
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Since we're in the mood for glass work and everyone loves them, these are from the Dog and Duck also in downtown London. There obviously were 3 of these panels at one time but I'm guessing wear and tear has taken it's toll.
dog and duck glass1.jpg
dog and duck glass1.jpg (199.17 KiB) Viewed 95957 times
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dog and duck glass6.jpg (211.35 KiB) Viewed 95957 times
Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

These 2 photos are from the Bunch of Grapes just off Old Brompton Road in London as well. It has been my favourite pub to visit and been there many times. There is a treasure trove of antique details and many pieces of glass from all different manufacturers. This one is a remarkable survivor especially considering it's outdoor location.

Also from here is this remarkable carved screen which even though not exactly sign related is worthy of deriving a little inspiration ;=)
bunch of grapes carved screen2.jpg
bunch of grapes carved screen2.jpg (241.15 KiB) Viewed 95941 times
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bunch of grapes glass1 detail.jpg (213.02 KiB) Viewed 95942 times
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Doug Bernhardt
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Doug Bernhardt »

Since I'm on a roll here....how about a carved letter from the Edgar Wallace and a glass piece from the centre of the back bar at the Museum Tavern in London. This pub is at risk of being demolished because of it's location and low level of trade I'm thinking. Is just around the corner from the British Museum (prime real estate) and a small pub at least by North American standards.
edgar wallace sign1.jpg
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museum glass1.jpg (341.53 KiB) Viewed 95922 times
pat mackle
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by pat mackle »

Hi Doug,
Sad to think that some of these pubs are going away in the name of progress. Such a loss.
Thank you very greatly for posting these treasures of your travels and sharing them with those who really appreciate
all the skills that created them so long ago. I tip my hat to you mate!
erik winkler
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by erik winkler »

Doug Bernhardt wrote:Here are a few from the Viaduct pub in London. Have included a couple of detail photos as well to keep the wolves happy ;=)
I remember that one also on my London glass quest, a stupid little mis-hamered nail of the frame broke that treasure.
Realizing we are in the 2nd renaissance of the arts.
Learn, copy and trying to improve...
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Amsterdam Netherlands
Robert Schwieger
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Re: Masterpiece Signs of the World (Images & Addresses)

Post by Robert Schwieger »

Hello Eric. Your work is beautiful and exceptionally well crafted. May I ask, do you use screenprinted back-up black and screen printing in your work? Thank you. Keep up the fine work.
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