Welcome to The Hand Lettering Forum! This is an interactive Bulletin Board on the topics of Sign making, design, fabrication, History, old Books and of coarse Letterheads, Keepers of the craft. The Hand Lettering Forum features links to resources, sign art history, techniques, and artists profiles. Learn more about Letterheads at https://theletterheads.com. Below you'll see Mchat has been added as a live communication portal for trial, and the Main forum Links are listed below.
I'll try it out with my first ever commercial goldleaf job I did and made really really good money on.
The funny thing is, they are accountants and after I finished the job, they told me that they thought I would just be using stick on vinyl letters and that at my price for glass gilding! Needless to say they aren't my accountants!!
I look back at this job and think of how I would do it a little differently now but since I pass it ever day I still love seeing a load of gold shining out. another nice thing is the building is very old and has old glass in most of the windows upstairs and they have ripples in them so it helps the gold even more.