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Bruce Jackson's photo archive - 2 - Sinclairs' of Guildford

Posted Images from various artists

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Bruce Jackson's photo archive - 2 - Sinclairs' of Guildford

Post by BruceJackson »

I came across this shop during a day trip of small gold mining towns in central Victoria. This shop was an amazing find about 2 hours drive from Melbourne.

Originally set up by J. Sinclair and Co., the building called London House, is at 39 Fryers Street, Guildford. The original sign remained intact because it is bricked in from behind and it's not possible to get to the back of the glass unless it is removed. The new owners stripped back the old paint on the outside of the glass to reveal the original gold leaf signs hidden for maybe 100 years by subsequent overpainting outside. It now runs as a gallery.

The building was established 1856 which makes it surely one of the earliest shops to use such large plate glass windows. This size of glass isn't common in shops of this age as making it was a new technology and was very expensive. It is typically seen in shops 20+ years younger. Apparently the business also imported glass. Mr Sinclair was making a big statement with this shop and the signs match the importance of the business.

The transom glass signs in gold leaf with decorative scrollwork and split shade of turquiose blue and light grey. The left side, getting the most sun is damaged, but the rest is in remarkably good condition for it's age despite some evidence of water damage.
From left: Mens. clothing. / Drapery. / Boots. & shoes. / J. Sinclair & Co. / Grocery. / Ironmongery. / Crockery.
(The signwriter must have liked full stops)
Note also side panel reading "Money order Office", and early photo of building from Victorian era.
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Anthony Bennett
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Re: Bruce Jackson's photo archive - 2 - Sinclairs' of Guildford

Post by Anthony Bennett »

Nice , thanks for sharing. I loook forward to your next post.
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Re: Bruce Jackson's photo archive - 2 - Sinclairs' of Guildford

Post by DAVE SMITH »

Hey nice find Bruce ...It's great when you come across this type of work and to think it lasted this length of time.
Thanks for Showing us..
Ron Berlier
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Re: Bruce Jackson's photo archive - 2 - Sinclairs' of Guildford

Post by Ron Berlier »

Bruce, thanks for sharing such a nice find. Dang, I love the Internet
Ron Berlier
Wherever I go, there I am.
Patrick Mackle
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Re: Bruce Jackson's photo archive - 2 - Sinclairs' of Guildford

Post by Patrick Mackle »

"Under all this paint, there HAS to be a gold sign somewhere!!"
What a Treasure! Thank goodness they don't tear down everything.
Thank you for sharing these shots, and the older Victorian photo is the extra BONUS.
Jerry Berg
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Re: Bruce Jackson's photo archive - 2 - Sinclairs' of Guildford

Post by Jerry Berg »

Love that letterstyle. Something that used to be seen quite often on establishments.
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