Welcome to The Hand Lettering Forum! This is an interactive Bulletin Board on the topics of Sign making, design, fabrication, History, old Books and of coarse Letterheads, Keepers of the craft. The Hand Lettering Forum features links to resources, sign art history, techniques, and artists profiles. Learn more about Letterheads at https://theletterheads.com. Below you'll see Mchat has been added as a live communication portal for trial, and the Main forum Links are listed below.
I discoverd this stipple effect this winter when I heated primed HDU (it was heated cause I was cold and I had a celing mounted quartz heater over the bench) and rolled on my laytex paint. I thought it gave the surface a smaltz look.
I'm selling it as a "Bright Texture " finish. Customers seem to like it.
I like it. I rarely roll paint on, but usually brush it, often quite thick. You might also offer a "Florentine Swirl" paint texture. The secret, if any, is to be uniformly random in the swirls; it comes easily to me, the hand/wrist motions being similar to painting or sketching other random but repetitive patterns.