Welcome to The Hand Lettering Forum! This is an interactive Bulletin Board on the topics of Sign making, design, fabrication, History, old Books and of coarse Letterheads, Keepers of the craft. The Hand Lettering Forum features links to resources, sign art history, techniques, and artists profiles. Learn more about Letterheads at https://theletterheads.com. Below you'll see Mchat has been added as a live communication portal for trial, and the Main forum Links are listed below.
Occasionally we are asked to do unusual projects in our shop. It makes the job very interesting. Our city firemen have a ceremony each year in which they ring a bell to honor deceased firemen. They had a bell but needed a permanent stand. They asked me to CNC the pieces they needed to create one and brought me a sketch of the design they had in mind. Unfortunately the crest was behind the bell. I suggested a redesign using 30 lb Precision Board with a welded steel frame imbedded. They accepted my design and we finished the project today. It stands 34" tall.
-grampa dan
Isn't it great to love what love what you do and do what you love!