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Wanted to keep you guys in touch with what I'm upto with my van. I have nearly finished the side roof signs for the vehicle . These panels of glass are 3'' x37'' Angelgilded they go into the carvings which I made for the side panels on my roofrack, this will all be eventually bolted to the roofrack side.
The frames around the glass are welded brass which look real old and are very heavy ,the glass has briliant cut punties in circles and an oval silvered puntie, the border is acid etched. The Morris Minor event is on Saturday, I will get take some more photos once all the glass is installed in the van.
I am as well Rod, just hope it blends with the car and the other glass. If it looks silly I will take these carvings off...... not sure yet.
This is the other side mate.
Mel is very glad Wayne. Fitting the glass in the windows in the morning. I test drove her today,first time in 4 years drives very nicely, she passed the MOT first go to make her road worthy and being a nostalgic vehicle the tax is exempt. The carvings I started 2 years back Larry while in Scotland, Doug B was there to point me in the right direction. Its only this last 4 months I decided to get in and finish them of an evening,I never want to see a chisel again- I really take my hat off to those guys like Doug B and Paul White . So much work involved........
I finished the van but the weather here over the weekend was heavy rain and wind so the event for the cars was cancelled. There are lots more classic car events over the next year so I will place her in some of those. This is how she looked with all the glass in - never had time to finish the other back glass panel or even put my telephone number on the doors. I settled on making a temporary 60 year anniversary badge for the day.
Anyway hope you like the finished look.
Thanks....... The car looks new considering it was made in 1968. We all say this but photos really don't show what its like especially my photos. Just been out for a drive in her ,nice sunny evening here -just getting loads of people looking all the time, she's a real head turner which is what it was designed to be- especially with the gold shimmering the way it does.
The back is kitted out in ash wood varnished and all the upholstery is heritage green leather .I will take a few photos of the inside tomorrow.
Thanks for the interest here lads...... Space shuttle next it is then.
Hello guys.
I posted my van on some vintage car sites over here. The small graphics I made for the side of my van have been selling like hotcakes.
Never really wanted to get into selling loads of these designs so I set my daughter Hannah making them.
Just re-designed this one for the national meet in a few months time. The colours are traditional to this car as is the badge with the bull.
Already picked up a job to signwrite in reverse glass onto another van the same as mine.
Shoe shop sign this time round.
Thanks Rob.
Yes for a while I will be placing these on the doors.
Up close the car graphic has a water colour look and also the background mountains.
Its just I needed something for the main rally in a months time,over 2000 Minors turning up so it should
be good for social and business.
Hi Dave,
The vehicle is indeed stunning, a credit to your skills and an inspiration to all who push paint and gild glass and I'm sure will bring you lots of quality work, hope it sleeps in a garage ! The next time I'm down your way I will call in for a closer look,
Davey....the old Morris looks amazing as does the artwork. I guess it reminds me of your bathroom reno. Right over the top..... Kinda like stepping into the Saturday Night Fever movie set.
Mr. Smith, wow, what a wonderfull piece of work! For someone like me that's new to this craft, seeing this caliber of work is enormously inspiring! Thanks for posting it so it can be enjoyed by others. Here in Alaska I rarely see a piece of chipping or gilding. And nothing that even comes close to this level. I better get busy practicing. Thanks again! Stan
Wow! I don't recall ever using the word breathtaking before, but this is the word that came to mind! How absolutely beautiful!!!! So much to study & everything!