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No news?

Hand Lettering topics: Sign Making, Design, Fabrication, Letterheads, Sign Books.

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Lee Littlewood
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Re: No news?

Post by Lee Littlewood »

Always fun, looking at the changes. I see that they changed the windows - the now image shows picture windows with small panes above, both changed since the earlier photo.
OnCanal1.jpg (144.25 KiB) Viewed 43599 times

But the real change that would surprise your grandfather is the way the neighborhood has evolved, as the business a few doors up show. I presume this is the red light district? When I was there in 1970 it was a nice area, with cheap hotels and pomme frites available at 2 am, and all these friendly girls sitting in the windows working on their tans. I was sort of naive...
OnCanal2.jpg (116.96 KiB) Viewed 43605 times
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Yes Lee, it is in the red light district.
The little windows are changed for comfort when cleaning and because big windows gives more light and that was the way of thinking after the 50ties. Fortunatly people changed their mind and appreciate the little windows again because it has more character and is more authentic and somehow they come back again in the old centre of the city.
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Made this promotion video about our firm (in Dutch).

Promotion film

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pat mackle
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Re: No news?

Post by pat mackle »

That is a neat tour of your abilities. Along with your recent website update it should make your services even more pronounced.
Keep us informed about how these changes affect your studio's job inquiries and presence competition-wise in your area.
Did Marlise narrate the clip?
erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Hello Pat,

At this point I see this promotion film as a gap filler in the digital world.
I decided to make this one, just because we did not had one.
We have some short video's on youtube, but they were all about gilding etc.
So now we are filling the gap for the sign studio by making a new channel on youtube so i can post sign related clips on there.
And with every clip i will post a news page on my website.
This will make my website more dynamic, more on top in google and more search engine findable with more different keywords.
A lot of work, but good for bussiness.
The voice you hear is indeed from Marlies.

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Lee Littlewood
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Re: No news?

Post by Lee Littlewood »

Very nice indeed. The images were so good I found myself thinking I could understand the voiceover... Anyway I think I caught the gist of it.
Good work, good luck.
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

This weekend we had the monday of since it was the birthday celebration of our queen.
But instead of partying on a canalboat with lots of girls, beers and very load house music in an orange outfit I went to the South of Germany.
You all must know I am a responsible boy who never parties and only do serious stuff :?
I was invited by the German branch of reverse painted glass enthusiasts to attend the opening of an exhibition about reverse painted glass in the [urlhttp://www.kunstsammlungen-museen.augsburg.de/ ... p?id=20189]Schaezlerpalais[/url] in the Bavarian city of Augsburg.
There were privat collectors, restorers, minister of culture, professors in art history and regular German history.
It was a high society event which was opened in the greatly decorated Rokokofestsaal by a classical concert with violin and cello.
The exhibition was about a part of a private collection with reverse painted glass form 1550 through 1850.
„... eine andere Art von Malerey“ (in English: An other art of painting)
The great thing about the exhibtion is that the private collector researched for more then 30 years all of the original etchings or drawings on paper which were copied onto the glass.
A massive work and very interessting to see.
Afterwards a little drink and chat, you know the drill. :D

Here a few photo's:
Verro eglomise 1.JPG
Verro eglomise 1.JPG (70.93 KiB) Viewed 43387 times
Verro eglomise 2.JPG
Verro eglomise 2.JPG (69.73 KiB) Viewed 43484 times
Painted reverse glass with oil gilded border.JPG
Painted reverse glass with oil gilded border.JPG (59.03 KiB) Viewed 43376 times
Here a few good inspirtational ones for us:
Painted reverse glass with gilded engraved glass border.JPG
Painted reverse glass with gilded engraved glass border.JPG (68.07 KiB) Viewed 43376 times
Painted reverse glass with silvered engraved glass border.JPG
Painted reverse glass with silvered engraved glass border.JPG (54.18 KiB) Viewed 43377 times
Side detail of painted reverse glass with silvered engraved glass border.JPG
Side detail of painted reverse glass with silvered engraved glass border.JPG (49.26 KiB) Viewed 43368 times
Top detail of painted reverse glass with silvered engraved glass border.JPG
Top detail of painted reverse glass with silvered engraved glass border.JPG (65.7 KiB) Viewed 43375 times
Last edited by erik winkler on Wed May 02, 2012 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Here a few more from the city of Freiburg:
Old sign Schwarzwald Freiburg.JPG
Old sign Schwarzwald Freiburg.JPG (112.04 KiB) Viewed 43370 times
Gilded Bracket 1 Augsburg.JPG
Gilded Bracket 1 Augsburg.JPG (72.84 KiB) Viewed 43368 times
Gilded Bracket 2 Augsburg.JPG
Gilded Bracket 2 Augsburg.JPG (74.02 KiB) Viewed 43369 times
Gilded Bracket 3 Augsburg.JPG
Gilded Bracket 3 Augsburg.JPG (75.36 KiB) Viewed 43376 times
Oil gilded decoration on stucco wall Freiburg.JPG
Oil gilded decoration on stucco wall Freiburg.JPG (62.76 KiB) Viewed 43376 times
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Re: No news?

Post by DAVE SMITH »

Amazing workmanship. Good post Erik.
Lee Littlewood
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Re: No news?

Post by Lee Littlewood »

A most excellent post. Do you know what establishment the "Gilded Bracket" 1 &2 were for? I see a sheep, a shovel, a dipper (?), and some wheat or grass tied in a bunch. I'm imagining an inn called "The Shepard" or something...

Here are some Flickr photos from Schilder Werkstatt (Michael Mayer) in Munich where he is doing a modern, quicker interpretation of those great sign hangers. I think he starts with a catalog frame and then adds pieces and gilding. His handpainted scrollwork is pretty nice too:
BarberSign1.jpg (26.88 KiB) Viewed 43250 times
BarberSign2a.jpg (203.79 KiB) Viewed 43275 times
BarberSign3a.jpg (159.58 KiB) Viewed 43279 times
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

I think both of them were inns.
I must say the standard brackets look very nice, but the hand made wrought iron brackets with the wineleaves and grapes al tangled in a web of vines are so much more beautifull.
Unfortunatly they are not made anymore, because again they cost too much...
Still Germany in my opinion has the most beautifull brackets i have seen, but the American 3d signs are a good competitor.

Erik from Nederland
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Here a nice dvd for the collectors among us and conclave members.
http://www.ebay.nl/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll ... SS:NL:1123

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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Just finished one of my French styled panels today.
Here you can see some photo's of the results"
Schitterend on facebook, french project
Painted the illustration by hand this time, because I did not want the hassle this time :wink:
Never painted an illustration before, so I hope it looks ok.

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Lee Littlewood
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Re: No news?

Post by Lee Littlewood »

Very nice indeed. Is it for a real bakery (bakkerij) or are you making one up? Or am I reading it entirely wrong???
Why do you call it a "french panel"? I have seen some lovely pictures of tall gilded panels from Paris bakeries, but was that style not common elsewhere? Tell all...
erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »


The panel was made as a test for my self to explore the style I so much love, that is mainly to be seen in and around Paris.
This style of gilded glass facades for bakeries and butcheries from around 1840-1920 is typical a style I have only seen in France.
As some of the forum members know the true masters who made these glass facades were from different studios, where a crew of craftsmen who all had their own speciality:
1. Design
2. Gilding
3. Painting
4. Woodwork
5. Installing
I do not know for certain, but my research gave me only two studios who can make these kind of panels these days.
In my studytrip through the streets of paris, I have seen some modern ones from the last 15 years and came to the conclusion, that their techniques are not the same tehniques that was used 100 years ago and therefore the quality of the painting, gilding and the whole glass panels were not very good.
That was the reason for me to get it done properly.
Took a while, because I had not much time and other priorities, but I am happy with the result since it is exactly the high quality I had in my mind.
This work will hopefully honour the old craftsman from the Parisian streets.

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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

I realised that I have been posting a few times, but did not show any photo's of some of the work I have made lately.
Here a few:

Mousseline glass, a style of glas decoration originated from Belgium, The Netherlands used as privacy glass.
Also used in the usa by Rawson and Evans.
I digitized all the old paterns found in my glass collection books and in this way I can reproduce all broken glass pieces that come to my attention.
Last edited by erik winkler on Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Danny Baronian
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Re: No news?

Post by Danny Baronian »

Hey Erik,

when did you start painting your finger nails? Nice color... :-)

Danny Baronian
Baronian Mfg.
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

That is my model wearing her high heels and short skirts. Danny :wink:
Every day she parades through our streets with some glass panels.
I have paint under my nails and somebody has to take the photo´s, so it is better that I do not hold the glass.

A few weeks ago the new trendy deluxe 'A-bar' at the prestige Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam opened their doors.
The designers wanted me to make some handmade antique mirrors to give the new bar a more a sense of nostalgia and history.
For this purpose I had to make some very large mirrors.
I firstly made a tilting gantry where the plates were put during the silvering process. While silvering I made sure the corners of the mirrors got an antique, weathered effect in the precise specifications of the client. After completion of this labor-intensive process, the mirrors were positioned with the greatest care in A Bar.
Nice to mention: A Bar is nominated for 'Best Hotel Bar in Amsterdam in 2013’.





You can read some more about the project in this news article:
Amstel Hotel Antique mirrors news
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Geuss what in may I gilded the windows of a pilot store for Starbucks coffee.
The Shop is situated in the middle of Amsterdam at the flowermarket.
They wanted a nice handcrafted vintage look with a personal touch.

Results could not be photographed very good unfortunatly since the windowshield (I do not know the English word) was blocking the sunlight.





23,75 karat watergilded gold leaf with some handpainted black.

If you want to read and see more photo's here is the link to my blog Bloggydiblog Starbucks
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Danny Baronian
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Re: No news?

Post by Danny Baronian »

Nice job Erik with a k.. :)

Looks like your persistence is paying off!

Danny Baronian
Baronian Mfg.
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Lee Littlewood
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Re: No news?

Post by Lee Littlewood »

Starbucks is just now trying Amsterdam? Well, now there will be a couple of places called "cafe", with different products.

"Cutting in" the letters by doing the outline&shade first is too hard for me - you really have to know your shapes, and have great brush control. I remember some panels that Stephen Parrish showed us where he had cut in tiny script and five-point stars - it looked like a silkscreen from a reduced original, so sharp you could cut yourself on it. You're on your way, Erik...
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Since I did not post a lot on the forum lately I thought it would be nice to show some projects I done recently.

Gilding large led boxed letters.
http://www.schitterend.eu/userfiles/nie ... olland.JPG
http://www.schitterend.eu/userfiles/nie ... Diemen.JPG

Restored 1900's etched glass.

Resilvering lightbulbs for Parisian old Art Nouveau streetlights.
Silvering is done on the outside of the glass.
First I removed to old paint, with my own made paint remover (for leadbased paints)
Unfortunatly, the silvering will not be seen from the streets.
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Lee Littlewood
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Re: No news?

Post by Lee Littlewood »

So, the silvered glass pieces are reflectors and they are inside, above the bulbs?
What backup did you use to protect the silver? I would bet it gets hot in there. I remember seeing an opaque projector with a cast aluminum reflector...
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

I used different layers of coating.
But you could use radiator/heater paint to tackle that problem.
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pat mackle
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Re: No news?

Post by pat mackle »

Nice work Erik. Good photos. Love to see the variety of jobs coming your way.
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Re: No news?

Post by BruceJackson »

wow, that is one wild looking light!.
Looks like it came out of a science fiction movie. Gotta love anything art nouveau. It was such a flight of fancy.
erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Here a few photo's of an old window text that had to be repainted in a typical Amsterdam style script.
Unfortunatly the original glass which was probably painted about 30 to 40 years ago had a crack in it.
Hopefully my new lettering will stay there at least another 30 to 40 years.
even_199cm_tall_was_not_enough_a_bar_allways_has_some_crates_coming_handy_at_cafe_int_aepjen.jpg (183.41 KiB) Viewed 41597 times
._00_allmost done.jpg
._00_allmost done.jpg (179.08 KiB) Viewed 41595 times
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erik winkler
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Re: No news?

Post by erik winkler »

Realizing we are in the 2nd renaissance of the arts.
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Amsterdam Netherlands
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