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Conceptual Sign

Hand Lettering topics: Sign Making, Design, Fabrication, Letterheads, Sign Books.

Moderators: Ron Percell, Mike Jackson, Danny Baronian

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Jack Hollands
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:14 pm

Conceptual Sign

Post by Jack Hollands »

This is a conceptual sign that I've created for university this semester.

It has some hidden messages, and not so hidden messages.

Please comment on your views, thoughts and responses to the piece, I would much appreciate any feedback.

rocket-scientist.jpg (316.75 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Dan Seese
Posts: 324
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Location: Fort Collins, CO

Re: Conceptual Sign

Post by Dan Seese »

Hi Jack,
This looks like a fun project, cleanly executed. Can you tell us a little more about the piece, what you're trying to accomplish, etc?
The photo is kind of dark, but it looks to me like it's something produced on glass - front or back I can't tell. Have you used gold leaf on the project or is it something else?
It looks have 3 shades of color plus black in the prismatic "Rocket" to create the bevel effect. That is very nicely done. The word "scitneist" is a bit too subliminal for me to figure out and of course, along with the intentional misspelling you have a reversed "N" and a mix of 9 upper & lower case letters in the word. I'm sure that has significance but I'm not sure what it is.
So thanks for putting yourself out there. Always takes courage to invite critique. I could say more if I knew the purpose but perhaps you're asking us a different question.
I'll attach a version of your photo, with the shading levels lightened in Photoshop which helps us view it a little differently. (Hope you don't mind.)
Well, it's Thanksgiving Day here state-side. I'll spend the rest of the day with family & friends giving thanks to the One from whom all blessings flow so I won't be checking back for a day or two.
Keep experimenting!
photo lightened to see detail
photo lightened to see detail
rocket-scientist2.jpg (195.42 KiB) Viewed 6345 times
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340 - 1400)

Jack Hollands
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:14 pm

Re: Conceptual Sign

Post by Jack Hollands »

Thank you Dan for your input. Sorry the quality was so bad, I had to get a new battery charger for my camera, so was stuck with my phone to take photos.
I waited until I could get better photo's before updating this post.

You're right, it is painted on glass. I did it in reverse to leave the lettering crisp and smooth.

Here are some more pictures, I wanted to see if anyone could get all of my intentions with the piece. From the simple ones, to the far more subtle and cryptic. I can put a link to my blog explaining all if anyone want's to know more.

One tutor managed to get all but a couple of the typefaces used. Everyone I've asked bar one person can read my mixed up word. Not including Dan, unless he did get it.

Thanks to anyone else who is brave enough to comment. I'm very open to all comments, no matter how trivial or stupid they may seem. That's all part of the experiment!
Rocket-Scientist-Full-small.jpg (199 KiB) Viewed 6168 times
Rock-small.jpg (198.32 KiB) Viewed 6192 times
ck-et-small.jpg (185.62 KiB) Viewed 6165 times
ET-small.jpg (173.42 KiB) Viewed 6161 times
ST-small.jpg (180.84 KiB) Viewed 6162 times
Jack Hollands
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:14 pm

Re: Conceptual Sign

Post by Jack Hollands »

Dan Seese wrote:So thanks for putting yourself out there. Always takes courage to invite critique. I could say more if I knew the purpose but perhaps you're asking us a different question.
I'll attach a version of your photo, with the shading levels lightened in Photoshop which helps us view it a little differently. (Hope you don't mind.)
Well, it's Thanksgiving Day here state-side. I'll spend the rest of the day with family & friends giving thanks to the One from whom all blessings flow so I won't be checking back for a day or two.
Keep experimenting!
Happy Thanksgiving Day, would love to be celebrating that one day. Appreciate you trying to alter the image to make it clearer.
I stole a couple of images from your blog the other week for a presentation at university. It was from your safe restoration project. The one that had been damaged and attempted restoration with vinyl. You did an amazing job restoring that safe. Hope you don't mind me using it as an example of craftsmanship.
Dan Seese
Posts: 324
Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:29 pm
Location: Fort Collins, CO

Re: Conceptual Sign

Post by Dan Seese »

The new photos are much better. I also prefer the red background showing through the glass. It is congruent with the style & color of the lettering and with the “rocket” theme. Overall, these colors work much better than the gold tint in your original photo.

I had assumed you used a mask or something because of the style and how clean it looked, but I can clearly see that it is all hand lettered. Nice.

Your mixed up word is obviously “scientist” (I think) but I just didn’t know if there was some significance in the misspelling. If you want to link to your blog for a further explanation, that would be interesting to see.

You’ve given plenty of “white space” around the rocket underneath which helps to draw your eye down to the rocket and then back up to the beginning as the rocket shoots left. I think I would have preferred you to leave more space at the top and on either side of the words since, as it is, it seems to be pushing the edges a bit to my liking.

Now, regarding “stealing” the photos off my blog – hey, that’s what they’re there for. I borrow photos from others all the time. I’m honored that you used it in your presentation and I hope you found it to be useful.
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340 - 1400)

Jack Hollands
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:14 pm

Re: Conceptual Sign

Post by Jack Hollands »

Thanks for your response. You're right, the word is 'Scientist'. The fact that you can still read it jumbled up is a part of linguistics that influenced the piece.

I agree that there could be a little more white space around the top and sides, there is more than apparent on the cropped photo, but a little more could be used next time.

My blog can be found at, jhollands.gdnm.org which is actually my University blog which is kept for tutors to keep up to date with work in progress.

I hope you find some of the other hidden meanings interesting, like the extra kerning between the 'K' and 'E'.

Also, the word 'congruent' is an interesting new one for me! I learnt the meaning of 'esoteric' by doing this piece.
Tyler Tim
Posts: 209
Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:12 am

Re: Conceptual Sign

Post by Tyler Tim »

Jack I could be way off. I noticed the kerning between K E.

ROCK ET Scientist.... Are you inferring to Topographic mapping of celestial bodies? I don't think your talking Major Tom Rocket Man stuff.

Nice work...
Sure I paint thing for my amusement and then offer them for sale. A brushslinger could whither en die from lack of creativity in this plastic town my horse threw a shoe in. :shock:
Jack Hollands
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:14 pm

Re: Conceptual Sign

Post by Jack Hollands »

Haha no, you are well off there! It's from the Latin term, 'Et Al.' Meaning and others. Meaning and other people, but due to aspects of typography being named after parts the body, I thought it was an acceptable use.

Thanks for your input and kind words however.
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